I was wondering if there were any exceptions to this „a“ versus „the“ rule? And does it only apply to the „number“? Thank you!!! In this example, the jury acts as a single entity; Therefore, the verb is singular. What is true is that „the event is over after the defeat of a number of Goblins.“ or „The event is over after the defeat of a number of Goblins.“ As there are two subjects, them and baby, you need the plural abrabe. She and her baby are alive. A number of people have written about this. Of course, it is easy to detect an error when a sentence says „The team always plays well after a week of training“, because we quickly identify „the team“ as a singular subject and therefore we have to play the singular verb to make the sentence correctly. The term „a number“ refers to more than one number. A number of things were not true with this car. For more information on using the terms „A number“ versus „the number,“ see the Concise Oxford Dictionary. GrammarBook.com`s answers correspond to the dictionary clarification.

As a result, „THE NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS HAS DECREASED“, WHILE „A NUMBER OF PROBLEMS REMAIN“ ARE CORRECT EXPRESSIONS. Do pronouns need everybody, each, it, everyone, somebody, anybody, anybody and nobody singular? The term „the number“ refers to a unique number, regardless of its size. The number of people at the demonstration was too large to be determined. (We don`t know the exact number, but it was a single digit.) There are inaccuracies in this article. Whether it`s „a“ or „the,“ the right word is „is,“ since you`re referring to a single number. For example, „There are a number of important announcements in the Bulletin“,“ because you are referring to a number (not numbers), so there should be a series of important announcements in the Bulletin. We discovered that the greatest number of our men gathered on the beach. We discovered that the greatest number of our men are gathered on the beach. 10. The only time the object of the preposition decides which forms are plural or singulate is when subjects of nouns and pronouns such as „some“, „mi“, „none“, „plus“ or „all“ are followed by a prepositional sentence.

Then, the object of the preposition determines the form of the verb. The subject-verb agreement is usually quite simple in English. Check each manual for general rules. However, for topics that introduce the idea of quantity, some additional ground rules are needed. Here are some that are useful for academic writing. Yes, the number is always the subject, followed by the Singularverb. Most of the events took place above the ocean. 5. Subjects are not always in question in front of verbs. Be sure to identify the subject accurately before opting for the right verb form.

The same principle applies when the sentence begins with the expletif there or here, followed by a verb: „There are a number of objections“ and „Here are the number of chairs you have requested“. Even these sentences aren`t necessarily ideally constructed, but if you have to write in such a syntactic style, remember, „A number… „and „The number. . . „It is.“ „There are a number of ways to end it.“ The addition of the adjective, finally, does not change the fact that it is an example of a „number“ that a plural takes. Our blog post „I vs. Me“ wonders about this question. The rule says, „Use a subject pronoun after the illness of being like on, are, that`s what, were.“ However, the blog also draws attention to the important distinction between spoken and written language. The formal written response would be, „It`s me.“ But if you`re talked to informally, you`d tend to say, „That`s me.“ Key: subject = yellow, bold; verb = green, I`m 99% sure the verb should be HAVE, but I can`t explain why, since the subject is singular.. .
