Also, when submitting your application, you should use -55-modifier to indicate that you only offer treatment after the operation and the corresponding RT/LT modifier to indicate on which eye operation was performed. Remember that your start date is the day after the surgeon`s end date, regardless of when you first see the patient during the overall period. For example, even if you didn`t see the patient until the 89th day after the operation, but the surgeon reports an end date 22 days after the operation, you can still submit for 68 days. No matter how many times you see the patient during the overall period due to complaints or problems related to the operation, your reimbursement is the same as stated above, multiplied by the fee per day. So, what happens if, during the overall period, the patient comes for a reason that is not related to the operation? Answer: If you are on an office visit that is not related to the initial operation, you must use a -24 modifier (99201-99215) during your visit to the office to get a refund. Do I calculate the patient for refraction during the overall phase after the operation? Answer: You still need to pay and collect for refraction during the overall period, if you do one, because refraction is usually not covered by Medicare or most other health insurance plans and must be unbundled from the office visit or the overall period after the operation. When you submit your application to Medicare, you need to understand how your mobile carrier requires the transmission of information. Unfortunately, not all carriers need the same claim information. Most Medicare plans require the date of the operation in box 24 and the number of follow-up days in box G for days or units. Collaboration with surgeons for pre-operative and postoperative cataract surgery is a valuable opportunity. This is a chance to monitor your patients` care before and after their procedure, increasing the chances of getting a good result. It`s also a chance to expand the services you offer to patients and build your practice.

The first step towards creating a cost-effective cataract co-management niche is to have a good relationship with a successful surgeon who always gets a positive result after cataract surgery. The Confederation`s Medicare policy on co-management has been adapted and interpreted by states and agencies with different details and restrictions. .